Logic4training's Energy Efficiency for Domestic Heating Certificate is for heating installers who work in domestic properties.
Completion of this course enables operatives to self-certify their work under Part L of the Building Regulations and the Domestic Building Services Compliance guide.
The LCL Awards Energy Efficiency for Domestic Heating training course is for building services installers who work on domestic properties.
It enables operatives to self-certify their work in accordance with:
- Building Regulations Approved Document L1A: Conservation of fuel and power in new dwellings (2013 edition with 2016 amendments),
- Approved Document L1B: conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings, 2010 edition (incorporating 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016 and 2018 amendments) and
- The Domestic Building Services Compliance guide 2013 edition (incorporating 2018 amendments).
The course is a pre-requisite of renewable qualifications, such as heat pumps and solar thermal.
The cost of the course includes training, assessment and the certification fee.
There are no pre-requisites for this course, but it is targeted at existing heating and design engineers working in the building services engineering sector.
The course covers the following areas in relation to energy efficiency in gas or oil-fired domestic heating:
- Regulatory requirements and sources of guidance
- Minimum boiler efficiency standards
- Determining whether a non-condensing boiler installation would be acceptable
- Space heating primary circuit types and design
- Compliance standards for hot water storage vessels
- Preparation and water treatment
- Commissioning
- Minimum standards for control
- Insulation of pipework
- Stand-alone, glandless heating system circulators
Candidates will undertake an online assessment.
Operatives may wish to review the following documents in preparation for the course: