We recently caught up with Tony Day of CSD-gas, who will be partnering with us to train two apprentice gas engineers starting this Autumn.

CSD-gas is based in North-West London and run by Tony’s son Ted.

Both men have years of experience working as gas engineers, and on his retirement earlier this year Tony came on board as Business Development Manager, to help his son grow the business.

We’ll let him explain:

How an apprentice gas engineer helps CDS-gas grow

“I’ve been working as a gas engineer for forty-eight years. Latterly for the likes of Cadent and National Grid and as I was coming up to retirement, the idea of helping my son develop the funding and recruitment side of his business became a reality.

“Ted’s company has been doing well, built on its good reputation, and he’s keen to expand. He currently has a couple of dozen engineers to call upon, but he’d like to grow and take on some – and help plug the skills gap.

“The utilities industry hasn’t been attracting new employees fast enough to replace the likes of me, who are now thinking about retirement and Ted, and I decided we would like to do what we can to help turn that around.

Supporting Gas Distribution Networks

“Our business supports Gas Distribution Networks in delivering the mains replacement programme, completing internal works such as refixing meters, and running copper pipes when the meter position has been changed.

“We recently put one of the engineers who works with us, through commercial gas competence training with Logic4training in Northolt, and were really impressed with the set-up there, particularly the standard of training. That’s how this whole apprenticeship arrangement came about.

Finding an an apprentice gas engineer with Logic4training

“Megan Killen, their Head of Apprenticeships helped us work out how we could take on some apprentices, advising us on the funding and apprenticeship standards, that sort of thing. With her support it all felt more possible.

“We put out an advert and were stunned to get 150 applicants for the two places we can offer this year.

“Some of the applicants were living abroad, others we felt were too highly qualified, so we whittled the shortlist down to 10 and we’re interviewing next week.”

“Logic4training has been very flexible in helping us put an apprenticeship training package together – there’s been an open dialogue which has meant we’ve been able work out a way to train a couple of new entrants that will work for the company too.

“Together we’ve designed a block-release scheme that will benefit us all.

“The apprentices will spend one week a month training at Northolt and the rest of the time working with our engineers who will help them put the theory into practice and mentor their development.

“This first year will be a trial, but if all goes well, we may be able to take more apprentices on in future. The energy sector is a growing market, and it feels good to be putting something back into an industry that has sustained both me and my son for a good number of years!”

Megan at Logic4training agrees:

“It’s been great working with Tony at CSD gas, helping them to take on apprentices and grow their workforce. Together, we’ll develop a great programme for their apprentices, providing a great opportunity for learners to train in a new and rewarding profession whilst also helping to address skills gaps within the industry.”

Learn more about Logic4training’s Trade Apprenticeships 

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